You Can create folder locking program
The following program that can hide folders,it's is to create
Follow the given steps
*Open Notepad,type the following
echo off
ren a ö
attrib +h +a +s +r ö
Save the file as a.bat
when you will open this file,then folder having name 'a' will disappear.You can chang the letter 'a' by the name of your folder.
Type following in notepad
echo off
attrib -h -a -s -r ö
ren ö a
save the file as b.bat
when you will open this file,disappeared folder will appear again.
both a.bat and b.bat must be in the same folder in which you folder is present.
The only disadvantage is that locked folders can be viewed from winrar
The character ö can bo found in character map
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