In this article i will get you know that how can change you Microsoft internet explorer to your name explorer__here is the trick :-
Whenever you will open internet explorer it will show your name in the header instead of its own as shown below:-
1. Go to start and open the Run window type regedit a new window press yes and then enter a new window will pop up i.e window registry window that looks like this:-
2. Now look at the left part of window n follow the following sequence/parth:_
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
then in write window jst do right click and a new option will apear now go to string value as shown in picture:-
3.and a new icon will apear at the bottom rename that icon to window title as shown in figure:-
4. Now double click on that window title icon a new window will pop up and in place of value column enter your name and press ok as shown in below picture:
5. Now we all done open internet explorer it will looks like this:-
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